Monday, December 6, 2010

3rd Teddy Bear Swap package

Oh how late I am.

There is a funny little story though. This is the 2nd but last of 3 packages that I have received. It appears that calmilc father mailed the 2nd package, but forgot to specify Air Mail. The wonderful tea set received had a cruise over the pacific ocean then most likely a truck or train ride across Canada. Due to the delay I receive the 3rd package she sent before this one.

Thanks, I've enjoyed all the packages a lot.

Oscar (grumpy green bear) and Noir enjoying their tea party/picnic on a blanket that my mom had made me.

My Itty Bitty Teddy Bear picnic Swap.

I guess it's way over time of me sharing with you all the package that I sent TriciaJ82 from the Itty Bitty Knits group.

You see it's like this. I only started knitting this past spring and I registered fort his swap and even before the assignments of partners were done I shared with my sister that I felt overwhelmed. She said she would help me. I trully wonder if she knew what she was getting into when she said that.

The first package that I sent her was the kit for her to knit something and a project bag. I completely forgot to take a picture of what I sent her howerver I believe that I can find them online so I can at least share in that way.

When I found a Elegant Edibles kit I just couldn't help it, how adorable than food and purses all at the same time. I know she said she had a niece that visits, so thought it would be fun for dress up or even for her to use. I cannot seem to find any information about the project bag sent since I can't remember the brand name.


Package numero deux was the blanket, my sister and I went shopping and found the most amazing kit to create a quilt. I have a few pictures and they also show who did most of the sewing. The little flowers next to the package were fridge magnets.


The third and final package had the Strawberry Tea Set that I worked the entire time on, who knew that it took that long to crochet a tea set. My sweet loving sister knitted the Itty Bitty baby bear.

I created a homemade card for each, this last package had gluten free animal crackers, hot chocolate, Sleeping Beauty golden book journal from

The last home made card, elementary but so much fun to do.

The Bear having his tea party

The bear and everything else, all ready to be shipped.